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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Brooklyn Public Library. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, octubre 04, 2024

Sound Map of Salsa Music in NYC Playlists

Hola todxs! En la edición del magazín Sursystem 08: Mapa sonoro de la música salsa en NYC, no solo se aprende con el texto, el mapa y los diseños, sino también con la música; en este viaje sonoro se pueden apreciar los cambios que sufrió la música afro latina caribeña hasta convertirse en salsa, pero también si se pone atención a las letras, se puede ver el contexto en el que fue construido el nuevo ritmo. Para lxs amantes de la salsa, y lxs que aun no la conocen, y que quieran escuchar una buena selección de esta música, dejo aquí estos QR donde podrán encontrar el playlist de @adrianishungry para la edición 08 del magazín SSyS y la playlist elaborada por @DianaSiguaraya para la presentación/lanzamiento del Sursystem 08 en Español el Viernes 9 de Febrero del 2024 en Cali, Colombia en el teatrino del Museo de Arte Moderno la Tertulia. Que la disfruten y se la bailen!

Hello everyone! In the latest edition of Sursystem 08 magazine, we explore the Sound Map of Salsa Music in NYC. In this edition, you'll not only read about the history and changes in Afro-Latino Caribbean music as it evolved into salsa, but you can also listen to the music and appreciate the context through the lyrics. For salsa enthusiasts and those new to this music genre, I'd like to share QR codes for two playlists. The first playlist is curated by @adrianishungry for the 08 edition of SSyS magazine, and the second playlist is created by @DianaSiguaraya for the presentation/launch of Sursystem 08 in Spanish on Friday, February 9, 2024, in Cali, Colombia at the Museo de Arte Moderno la Tertulia. Enjoy it and dance to it!

Que disfruren!
Marcelo Arroyave

domingo, abril 14, 2024


This Saturday, April 20, I will do the Sound Map of Salsa Music In NYC lecture under the Brooklyn Public Library University Open Air Spring semester. This will be the last opportunity to get the Sursystem 08 Magazine in Spanish for free, also, the lecture will take place on Sunday, April 21 in Spanish and after it, I will do the South Bronx Salsa Tour for those who want to travel with me from the University Open Air location in BK. The music selection for the lecture by Adrian is Hungry.

English lecture. Start time: 2:30pm – 4:00pm
Saturday, 20 April: Sound Map of Salsa Music in NYC, lecture. In English.
Marcelo Arroyave and Adrian Patino/Colombia

Conferencia: Mapa Sonoro de la Música Salsa en Nueva York. En Español: Sunday, April 21: Conferencia + Tour: Mapa Sonoro de la Música Salsa en Nueva York. En Español. Lecture Time: 1:00PM – 2:30 PM. Tour time: around 1:30 minutes + the commute.

sábado, octubre 07, 2023



Después de seis meses de trabajo y espera, por fin esta circulando en Nueva York, la edición número 8 del magazin Sursystem en español. Primero quiero dar las gracias a todxs lxs diseñadorxs e ilustradorxs que se sumaron al llamado, de verdad que el producto final quedo como quedó gracias al aporte de todxs ellxs. Mas abajo dejo un lista con los nombres y la dirección en Instagram. 

Es todo un honor y un privilegio poder publicar este Sursystem en español en Nueva York sobre la música con la que crecí, nunca me hubiera imaginado que a la edad que tengo estaría viviendo en NYC justo en el barrio donde nació la música salsa, así que esta publicación no solo es un homenaje a todxs esos migrantes que llegaron antes que mi y que con su trabajo, constancia e inspiración crearon una cultura que tiene que ver con mi identidad y con mi carácter como latinoamericano, fue todo un orgullo para mi sentarme a investigar, leer y escribir sobre la música salsa, sus lugares y sus protagonistas en el mismo barrio donde todo eso había pasado 60 años atrás. 

Espero que lxs que quieran adquirir el magazin me contacten por medio de Instagram @magazinsursystem mi idea fue siempre distribuir el magazin entre los amantes de la salsa y entre las personas que no conocen nada de esta cultura, y así impedir que su legado desaparezca; una cultura solo desaparece cuando ya nadie la conoce, y el fin de esta edición es hacer que la gente de NYC, latinos y no latinos conozcan un poco de la historia del nacimiento de la salsa.


Marcelo Arroyave
Transmitiendo desde el condado de la Salsa.
Único miembro del colectivo Sursystem que aun sigue bailando Salsa, donde sea... 

jueves, septiembre 14, 2023


September 14 and September 30, BPL Presents and Prospect Park Alliance co-present University Open Air, a series of free courses taught by immigrant scholars, artists, and instructors. This season’s course offerings cover a variety of topics including yoga, abstract art, fiction writing, salsa music, the human/animal connection, beauty in the everyday, and more. Participants will spend time learning outdoors on the Prospect Park Boathouse grounds. Sign up now at the link to take free classes on subjects ranging from the practical to the profound, offered on the Prospect Park Boathouse grounds:

Nos vemo por allá!

Marcelo Arroyave
Miembro sobreviviente del colectivo Sursystem, transmitiendo desde el South Bronx.

miércoles, agosto 09, 2023



Hola todxs, después de una pausa larga en el blog, comienzo a publicar entradas que he estado trabajando y publicando en Instagram (@magazinsursystem). En esta oportunidad dejo un video del machote del Magazin Sursystem 08: Mapa Sonoro de la Música Salsa en Nueva York, versión en Español, pronto será impresa y distribuida en New York (El evento sera en Septiembre) y en Cali, Colombia (Esta versión estará para la venta en la Linterna, taller tipográfico). La version en Inglés es diferente y pronto la publicaré al igual que el mapa que acompaña la publicación y su banda sonora. Por ahora, dejo aquí este video del machote para que aprecien los diferentes diseños e ilustraciones que contiene esta edición. 

Que disfruten!


Transmitiendo desde el condado de la Salsa!

jueves, septiembre 15, 2022


Sound Map of Salsa Music in NYC
By Marcelo Arroyave
Music By Adrian is Hungry 
September 2022

Hi everyone! I am participating in the University Open Air at Brooklyn Library this Fall, here is the info of my lecture this Saturday, September 17 from 1PM to 2:30PM. If you are around the park, join us!

Click in the imagen for more info!





viernes, septiembre 10, 2021

University Open Air: History and Evolution of the City in the West: How the COVID pandemic will change New York City

Since 2019 the Brooklyn Public Library is hosting the University Open Air, an space for immigrant professionals to do workshops, classes, and lectures. Since then the BKYPL - UOP is inviting me to participate in this exciting program and I won't say not to them. This fall is the 2021 version of the event and I will be there with this lecture Sunday, September 12 at 11 and 1PM, please, join me and share the info with your friends and relatives, it is free. Click on the image if you want to know the whole program. 

See you there!


sábado, septiembre 05, 2020


In their third edition, the Brooklyn Public Library is featuring the University Open Air, Fall Semester. As the last two editions, I was invited to participate in this one, I will do two lectures Saturday, September 19 at 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM. I am leaving here all the information about the UOA schedule, participants, and lectures plus my two classes on that specific date. 

This is a free event, please, spread the word and join us!

Click in the imagen to access to all the info about these events.

University Open Air Webpage 

First Lecture - Click in the image to go to the registration webpage

The second Lecture - Click in the image to go to the registration webpage

I hope you can participate
Marcelo Arroyave
The last Collective Sursystem member in the pandemic world. 

domingo, mayo 31, 2020


Just one week before the lockdown in NYC (03/07/20) I made the final session of the Sursystyem 3'R workshop at University Open Air; it was really fun and very creative, the participants finished their interior pages and build their own magazine SSyS 3'R where they included those pages. 

We didn't decorate the cover and the back cover of the magazine that each participant made, due to a lack of time in the workshop, but we spent quality time learning different things about making pages for the magazine and about how to make the magazine with our own hands (DIY), we shared a lot of ideas and were able to know each other. It was a very nice experience just right BP (Before the Pandemic). It is a good memory from the past time to keep in my mind in this difficult moment. 

I want to show to the blog visitors the pictures from the workshop and their outcome; I don't show here pictures of my magazine exterior because I didn't decorate yet it and I don't know if the other participants did. 

The UOP Workshop participants

The UOP Workshop participants

Interior page from one of the workshop participant

Interior page from one of the workshop participant

Interior page from one of the workshop participant

The next pictures are from inside my magazine SSyS 3'R that I made in the workshop with the participant pages included in the content, plus the content page that was made in a typewriter machine. 
Many thanks to Gary Hardcastle for facilitating the typewriter machine to the workshop

Marcelo Arroyave
Transmitting from the worst place to be in the middle of a pandemic, NYC.

sábado, febrero 22, 2020

Workshop: Memory Re-Used How to Build a Magazine with Reused Paper Using your Memories

The Brooklyn Public Library (New York City) is hosting the University Open Air Winter Semester from February 24 to March 7th, they invited me to participate for the second time since they started to do the University Open Air (UOA) in 2019. 

On this semester I will do a workshop that I developed since I was living in Colombia, it workshop was named for me Sursystem 3R (Reused, Recycle and Rethink), but for this event, I changed its name, now is called: Memory Re-Used, and the goal is that the participants in the workshop bring their old memories from their life in the neighborhood where they are or were living (old pictures, postcard, letters, posters... etc) and create a new page for the content of the magazine with that memories and, on the same time, they learn how to build a magazine with reused paper and reused shoebox, also, they will make the decoration of the cover and the back cover of the magazine using different techniques.

The workshop will be split into two parts, I will leave below the links to the UOA webpage and the links to my workshop.

Also, there will be more classes and lectures through those two weeks, feel free to explore it and I hope you can participate in this fantastic idea from the Brooklyn Public Library.

>Click on the image to go to the UOA webpage<

See you around and enjoy it!
Marcelo Arroyave

viernes, julio 19, 2019


This link will take you into a video-interview made for Chihiro Amemiya after I have done my first lecture class in the University Open Air (see the last post before this to know more about it) on the Rose Garden at Prospect Park, Brooklyn.


You can watch the video here:

Marcelo Arroyave

domingo, junio 09, 2019


The last month the Brooklyn Public Library invited me to develop a lecture class and a workshop for their first version of the University Open Air, a project that is trying to show how the immigrants that come to NYC with an academic background are contributing from and with their knowledge into the NYC society and are helping to change the negative idea and the negative image that many people inside the United States has about the immigrants.  

My academic contribution to the University Open Air is a lecture class called Qualitative Research in the Urban Field (Saturday, June 15 at 1:30PM) and a workshop called Graffiti Mutation in a Gentrified Environment: the Case of NYC (Saturday, June 22 at 12PM) both are free to the public and will take place in the Rose Garden at Prospect Park, near to the Brooklyn Library.

I am leaving here the link to the University Open Air webpage where you can search the different courses that they are offering to the public and make the registration to them, plus the links to my lecture class and my workshop.

See you around!

The last member of the Sursystem Collective
Transmitting from the South Bronx!