Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Art Teacher. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Art Teacher. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, junio 29, 2017


In my last job, I did a workshop with the kids from 8th grade in a middle public school in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (MS 50). The workshop was about build a Fanzine with reused and recycle paper, also, the students did one page of the content and they did also the cover and back cover with the technique of collage. I am saying all of these things because after almost three years I restarted my work with the Sursystem 07 content, it means that I drove the workshop in the same way that when I did the Sursystem workshop about Reutilizing and Recycling, and I taught to the students the same thing that I taught to the Sursystem workshop participants when I did it in Cali and Bogotá (Colombia). I wanted to show the workshop process here because for me is very important to start to do the Sursystem 07 workshop again in the US, but, a little bit different; from now, the Sursystem magazine will be called: Sursystem 3R: Rethink, Reuse, Recycle and it will be focus on getting new instructive from different kind of participants like graphic designers, illustrators and artists in order to make stuff with reused and recycle materials, doing on the same time a reflection of the consumer society. The workshop will have the same structure and will be open to everyone. Now, take a look at the workshop process that I did and send me your ideas or concerns if you have one. Enjoy.

By Marcelo Arroyave 
Miembro eterno del colectivo Sursystem
Transmitiendo desde Trumplandia para toda la galaxia!