On August 7 of 2021, I was heading to Thompkins Part in the LES of Manhattan to participate in the Miniature BookFair organized by 2x2 Periodical. It was a beautiful summer day where I met a bunch of young people who are doing a lot of independent publications in NYC.
I met the guys from 2x2 Periodical in another street fair back in June, near Thompkins Square Park, and they invited me to their Okupa Miniature Bookfair on the sidewalk that day. It was an opportunity to show the Magazin Sursystem to the people and to talk with publishers that are very active in this scene. Also, it was very nice to know 2x2 Periodical and get their publication (@2x2periodical), it is free and came to life once a month.
Also, that day was the 33rd anniversary of the Thompkins Square Park Riot, there were book vendors, punk bands, and much many punk and metal paraphernalia. That day I got the opportunity to buy the graphic novel called War in the Neighborhood that describes the story of that space before, during, and after the riot. I recommend their lecture to everyone who wants to know the history of this part of NYC.
Thank you very much to the 2x2 Periodical for the invitation and here are some pictures from that day.
The 2x2 Periodical set this device up in the sidewalk to distribute their publication, it was made with recycle materials. So nice!!!
Enjoy.Marcelo Arroyave
Last member from the Sursystem Collective in NYC.